The four girls

The four girls
Emily,Elaina,Eryn and Eden

Friday, February 5, 2010


Pathetic that I look forward to my two days off from work so much! All day yesterday I was like singing a little song in my head "It's my Friday, it's my Friday." as I went from one horrid task to another. In fact, I was SKIPPING down the hallway (if that isn't a sight to see... three hundred pound woman with keys clinking and stethoscope trailing) as I thought about the two glorious days ahead of me. Some times I want to cup them in my hands, like little pearls to treasure, full of hope, wonder and anticipation. I know that sounds funny to some, but there is such a care free release inside of me when it comes to my "Fridays". I'm way more happy that day than any other. So as I'm lifting one guy off the toilet to transfer him to his wheel chair in my head is my little Friday song. Or while I'm standing by one dying guy's bed waiting for him to swallow his pain meds, in my head it's "Friday! Friday!" Even when one is being the biggest jack ass in the world, trying to bully me into doing things his way (it didn't work out like he was expecting by the way) in my head is this little taunting voice "It's my Friday, I get to go home, you don't." Childish, I know, but sometimes that's what gets me through my day.

Now, I'm on my Saturday. What to do, what to do?? I could vacuum, dust, polish,scrub out the toilets or clean the kitchen. Or I could play with Eden.. who is still too sick and tired to go to school this afternoon and is lounging around in her Jonas brother's pajamas. I love listening to her little conversations she has with her toys or even the dogs. She shows no fear when it comes to supervising the two dogs. Sadie is a golden retriever that we 'puppy sit' for a couple of teachers during the day, and Kate is our black Cocker Spaniel and they have their roles reversed. Sadie thinks she is a little teeny tiny lap dog and Kate thinks she is a big 80 pound pit bull. This morning Eden was laying on Sadie playing "vet" and was brushing out her coat... golden dog hair all over the freaking carpet by the way. Kate came running in from the other room and literally dog piled the two of them in a tangle of legs and fur. Nothing but blue pajama legs were showing of Eden and a little croaky voice shouting "KATE! GET OFF!" I wish I had been faster with the camera.

Dan tells me that I need to vote yes on the school levy this Tuesday if I want him to have a job next year. We always have that little insecurity hanging over us until May when he gets his contract renewed. Last year he beat out being riffed by a seniority margin of 4 months. SCARY! So, all of my Lake Stevens voter friends, PLEASE vote yes... it would be awkward to say the least if he looses his job next year! :)

1 comment:

  1. Naomi-- you're so funny!! This is going to be fun reading your blog!! Wow, for me, choosing what area to clean first in the house, I'm not that great! I'd probably go grocery shopping and pick up some fun things for the house and then do lunch. I need you to inspire me to work harder and cook smarter here at home!

    Poor Eden, hope she feels better soon! When can she come over, Maddie would love it!
