About me, I'm looking forty in the face and am having a few hyperventilating moments, but over all am happy with my life. I have four beautiful daughters that make me laugh pretty much every day. A wonderfully smart talented man who for some incomprehensible reason married ME and chose to be my eternal companion. My family defines me and makes me want to be a better person. I have a pretty good career and am planning on going back to school this year (because I don't have enough to do apparently) to farther my professional skills. I love to cook, and to feed other people comfort foods and my family puts up with my adventures in the kitchen. Well, except they really didn't care for Ratatouille... they called it Veggie Pooie.
Some times life drives me crazy. Like parents who totally don't get the whole religion thing, siblings who are out of control crazy due to circumstances of their own making, a check book that doesn't balance and never enough time in the day to get things done. I have to just RELAX and let things take care of themselves. Easier said than done! But over all, I think I'll slide into my grave on one wheel, tattered, exaughsted, out of breath, in disarray with grease splatters on my shirt, hair in a pony tail and be able to say "Whew, what a ride!"
And that my friends, is my first attempt at a blog.
Love it!