The four girls

The four girls
Emily,Elaina,Eryn and Eden

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just Say NO!

I must have mastered that NO! to blogging for the last 7 months! :)

I really can't use the excuse that I've been too busy, EVERYONE has that excuse! But as I say in my most honest and sincere voice, I have been really REALLY busy! Seems like working full time is the killer for all energy and creative processes when you have four children involved in various activities! I'm not complaining, really, I'm not! I am very blessed to have a husband gainfully employed, a fairly stable job myself and the girls are all growing up and stronger each day. That being said, here's a brief overview of my last few months.

Had a great holiday season. Had pneumonia in January, didn't die, just wanted too. Elaina had a flare in March, started Remicade and now has done a 180, gained some weight and looks AWESOME! Emily joined track,stayed the coarse and finished the season... bless her heart. Eryn did honors choir and participated in the all school concert...did wonderful! Eden has shot up about 3 inches, hates to eat a balanced meal, loves her dog to pieces and is generally a happy camper. Dan is gearing up for his summer fun fest of work by doing a bunch of professional conferences and summer school.

And that pretty much sums up our life for the last few months. Back to my heading.. The first thing they teach you in CORE (the six week training session at the prison) is to say "No" and you can always change your mind and say yes later after you have had time to think about your answer or have done some research into the matter. Evidently, this weekend I have forgotten the basic rule. Overbooked but am loving it! We started by saying YES! to keeping Sadie over the long weekend, love the golden retriever as if she were my own dog, but slobbering furry C average student she is! Then my sweet adopted nephews came over to visit... I love them here, they are so funny and well... boyish! The girls love having them here too. I think it might be because they do the chores for the girls, just a thought. Then one of my good friends is out of town, so I've been going over before work every day to make sure the house is still standing, the 15 year old daughter is home when she needs to be and the momma and daddy are all o.k. (they are elderly and disabled) Then I have a slight dinner party for 8 plus my 6 planned for tomorrow and a house to clean. Deep breath, we're not done! I want to get a lot accomplished, but might just have to hang up the towel soon... We promised the girls to take them to see Pirates, the boys out to dinner and stopping in to feed a pig and two rabbits for a different friend who is out of town. Then off to Costco and Target, plan a birthday party for EDEN who is turning SEVEN! Make out the invitations and try not to kill everyone in my tornado path of business!

But, I thank God everyday for my family. For my life. Because without Him guiding me and giving my feeble knees strength, I would not make it. Let's not forget my great family, because without them my purpose in life would be misdirected.

So, in the immortal words of King Julian:

"My answer will always be YES! Unless a no is necessary!"

1 comment:

  1. So glad to have an update, Naomi! I love you and your family! Good luck with all of your running around. You are seriously a super woman and one of my foremost role models. and a special shout out to Elaina for doing so well! Keep it up!
